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Does your pet suffer from urinary oxalate cyrstals? Has your vet told you, your dog is suffering from this UTI condition? If your dog is suffering from then EasyPill Oxa'Less is for you. With it's amazing palatability of 85% uptake in dogs we can assure you that you and your dog will love EasyPill Dog Oxa'Less. Try it today and help your dog with this amazing nutritional supplement. We promise you will not be disappointed!

EasyPill Dog Oxa'Less

SKU: 0129
VAT Included
  • Packed in 6 individually wrapped bars, precut into 7 portions.

    The uptake of Oxa'Less is an amazing 85%.

    Given for up to 6 months per case.

    Administration: Give twice a day. 

    >10kg: 1 portion.

    11kg-20kg: 2 portion.

    21kg-30kg: 3 portions.

    31kg-40kg: 4 portions.

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