Unlike all current probiotics on the pet market which tend to be freeze dried, Precision Microbes is totally unique as a pro and postbiotic liquid. Incorporating the well regarded veterinary probiotic Enterococcus Faecum NCIMB 10415 Precision Microbes also utilizes a number of specialist herbs to increase overall support throughout the body.
As an ideal solution for long-term daily administration not only does this help to maintain the digestive tract, but Precision Microbes will also contribute to overall health. Healthy gut = happy pet!
Furthermore Precision Microbes can support other conditions such as skin and coat allergy, skin conditions such as dermatitis and in increasing the overall immunity of your pet.
Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic 300ml x 3 Offer - BBD 06/26
£59.97 Regular Price
£47.98Sale Price
VAT Included
- No added colorants, sugars, alcohols or detergents.
- Does not interfere with the animal’s consumption habits.
- For Cats & Dogs
- Suitable for frequent or long term use.